Resource Links & Crime Prevention
​Crime Prevention
Crime prevention starts with YOU!! Most crimes are committed because of opportunities that develop or present themselves. There are some basic techniques that one can undertake in reducing the chances of victimization. Listen to your INTUITION, it is your gift for personal protection. While we do not often want to appear rude, sometimes it is necessary for personal safety to remain less cordial and take care of ourselves by following our intuition (gut feeling)! Remember, our personal security becomes lax only because we do not always find it convienent. Take the extra time to protect yourself and loved ones. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the police immediately!
Check out this great guide from on protecting your home at this link.
Protect Yourself When Walking
Avoid walking alone at night unless absolutely necessary.
Keep to well lit commonly traveled routes.
Walk purposefully, know where you are going, project a no-nonsense image.
Avoid potentially dangerous situations.
If you feel threatened, cross the street, or enter a store or place of business even if you have just left it.
Have your door keys ready; carry them in your pockets, not buried in a purse.
Protect Your Automobile and Personal Belongings
Always lock your car.
Lock bikes to immovable objects or bike racks and get your bike registered with the police department.
Do not leave valuables or property visible inside the car if at all possible. Lock these items in the trunk.
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