Information regarding the digital sign for the city of London

The city of London now hosts a digital sign, at the intersection of Elm St. & Lafayette St. To have your event added to the sign, it must meet the following guidelines:
-Cannot be a for-profit event
-Event must take place in the city of London
-Event date must be between 3-7 weeks away
-Flyer/video submission must be in landscape orientation
To submit your event request:
-email with event information
-must include a LANDSCAPE orientation flyer/video for your event. More details below.
Dimensions information:
-you may submit a landscape orientation flyer to Admin, and they can create a video for the sign, or
-you can submit your own video.
-Videos need to be 1080p
-Image/video will be Width 252 and Height 108
-Color Mode: RBG
-Raster Effect 72ppi
-Images need to be JPEG, Videos need to be MP4
The digital sign is viewed by those as they drive by, and from a distance. As such, there are font/character limit/color guidelines to follow.
Please stick with the following fonts:
-Arial Black or Arial Bold
-Eras Bold ITC
-Franklin Gothic Heavy
-Serif Fonts
-Sans Serif Fonts
Avoid fonts such as:
-Script fonts
-Ornamental or novelty fonts
Keep it big & keep it clean!
Less is best. Keep it to the following:
-Event name
Do not include descriptions of the event, QR codes, or any unnecessary words.

Choose high contrast colors.