Office - 740-852-1414
Fax - 740-852-7025
Email LPD
Police Department
Have a Police Emergency?
Call 911 Immediately.
10 E. First St

Police Chief -Glenn Nicol
The London Ohio Division of Police utilizes this webpage to further our mission and enhance our services to the community. If you have suggestions or content you believe would better serve our community, please contact us and share your thoughts. For an easy way to connect with us and also submit anonymous tips; download our app in the app store for IOS or Andrioid devices. Also be sure to follow us on Facebook at London Ohio Police; on Twitter @LondonOhiopd and on Instagram @londonohiopd for timely updates and other relevant information! We also subscribe to our area's Nextdoor email service in an effort to stay connected with area residents.
Our mission is to provide effective and efficient law enforcement and public safety services in order to maintain the peace, and enhance the quality of life for our community.
We are dedicated to fulfilling our mission by adhering to our guiding principles:
Stewardship - We are mindful of our entrusted duty towards the responsible management and protection of our community, and its resources; as well as the individual rights of those we serve.
Integrity - We hold ourselves to the highest standard of honesty, accountability, and ethical conduct in both our professional and personal encounters.
Fortitude - We undertake our duties in the face of adversity with unwavering courage and resolve.
Empathy - While displaying humility, we treat others with respect, maintaining an understanding of cultural diversities and facilitating synergy.
Our vision is to become a valued and well respected partner in a vibrant community; as well as within the public safety arena.

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Stewardship serves as a guiding principle we employ to fulfill our mission. With this mindset, alongside our regular crime suppression patrols and criminal investigations, we provide these services and programs to enhance the delivery of effective and efficient public safety services: